Wednesday, March 9, 2011

An activity for my Missouri friends

I'll be visiting your school soon, Missouri friends.  If you'd like to do some storytelling before I arrive, here's a suggestion.  Have you read ROAR OF A SNORE?  How would you like to write ROAR OF A SNORE 2?

All stories have a main character.  In ROAR OF A SNORE, the main character is Jack.
All stories have a setting or a place where they happen.  In ROAR OF A SNORE, the setting is the farmhouse and the barn.
All stories have a problem or a plot.  In ROAR OF A SNORE, the problem is that Jack can't sleep because of the loud snore.

For  ROAR OF A SNORE 2, I'd like you to use Molly Olsen, the girl at the end, as your main character.
Molly will have the same problem as Jack.  She’ll be awakened by a very loud snore.
But I want you to make the setting different.  Instead of a farmhouse and barn, think of a really unusual place, or a far away place, or an imaginary place.  Think of a place where there might be really funny snores or scary snores.  Maybe the jungle.  Maybe a haunted house.  Use your imagination and have fun.


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