Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hugs on the Wind is available as an e-book on Ripple Reader. You can record your voice, so that your little reader can hear you reading the story to them. What a great concept. Hugs on the Wind is a lovely bedtime story. Little Cottontail misses his grandfather and all they shared. As he plays in the meadow, he thinks of ways that the wind, stars, stream, and trees can help him send hugs, kisses, and other messages to his grandfather. The story is about being separated, making the story meaningful to any child who misses a loved one. Here's the link:


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Demmitt Elementary in my Top Ten

I've visited hundreds of schools and thousands of students over the years. Demmitt Elementary is now in my Top Ten. I love you Demmitt Elementary students, educators, and parents. I'm so lucky I got to spend 3 whole days with you.

Their welcome included a limo ride to school, a beautiful calla lily plant (which I'll be planting in my California garden soon), and a welcome assembly which included a conga line, welcome song, and full-blown production of my book ROAR OF A SNORE (, complete with orchestra led by virtuoso music teacher, Melinda Wissel. Wow! Double Wow!

Below are some of the dedicated teachers of Demmitt. Beth Green, who started the wheels in motion and invited me to Ohio, is to the left of me. She's a lady who makes things happen!
Because of Beth, the students had skyped with me prior to arrival. The fabuloso teachers encouraged the students to write about my suggestions. Writing projects lined the halls.
Students chose their own name, like Little Four did in HEART OF A TIGER.They wrote ROAR OF A SNORE II with Molly Olsen as the main character and a brand new setting. A series is beginning!Fourth graders made journal entries about their trip to Camp Kern,a la"Artists in the Backyard'. They also chose their favorite of my novel beginnings, explained why, and designed book covers for my "hopefuls". Thank you! You're inspiring me onward with my writing.The students and I had two days of Funshops. What a pleasure to spend two whole days with small groups. We had fun with writing games, word play and writing stories. Boy, did those kids write. What grand creators.

And can those Ohioans cook! Yum. The first day I had lunch with students. Check out the animal cupcakes made by Super PTO Vice-President, reminiscent of animals in ROAR OF A SNORE.

The next two days, teachers provided scrumptious lunches. Melanie Huffstetler, teacher and Cake Lady, baked the most delightful creation, a HUGS ON THE WIND cake. A perfectly beautiful and perfectly delicious dessert. You can find more of her amazing work at bushel full of thank yous to the Demmitt community. I wish that you each find your unique style like PRANCING, DANCING LILY, do what you love like THE PUMPKIN RUNNER, and follow your dream like Little Four in HEART OF A TIGER. You are each a wonder!