Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Traveling through Missouri and Arkansas

I'm visiting schools and libraries in Missouri and Arkansas.  It's a fabulous time with kids, educators,  parents, and other writers.

The students at Branson Elementary East helped keep me on my toes yesterday.  (Yes, over a week of presentations and writing "funshops" can be wearing too.)  One student told me, as she left the assembly, that I'd been  saying "non-fiction" when I meant "fiction".  Thank you.  These kids are SO smart!  They also wondered why I called my character in Roar of a Snore Maggie instead of Molly on my March post to them.  So sorry.  I meant Molly Olsen.  Where did Maggie come from?  Maybe I was thinking of another story I'm currently working on - Maggie and The Halloween Monsters.

Thank you, Branson Elementary East students, for helping to keep me on my toes and for being so patient when I was sipping tea and coughdrops in an effort not to loose my voice.  As Lily would say, "You are MOOvelous."

1 comment:

Meg said...

I'm so glad you're visiting Missouri! I got to hear you speak at the Children's Literature Festival last Tuesday and enjoyed the time.